Wednesday, August 8, 2007

08 Silverado Subwoofer Box

crude statements cited just 8.7

"I hope this protest sign against a broad right-wing tendencies of any kind is."
Dieter Kupfernagel (Die.Linke / OB the Sangerhausen) to action "brown food thinking instead of brown!" were distributed in 1000 under which Schockomuffins of politicians of all persuasions to the infantry Sangerhausen to demonstrate against the NPD party. In previous actions put the common Sanger houses the common Sangerhäuserin ever white roses (sic) in front of the door or put a candle in the window sill. How beautiful it is in the cozy mountain and Rose City. For the evening was even then a beer mile (which of course was a complete success) was applied. Just a pity that 3 Hundreds of police prevented the Nazis from that, even with Dieter, Yvonne and Ronny on blacks, and home? Right! Beer entertain.

The right decisions in this community to make little juggernaut.
Well, maybe: pulling & direct action at night digital. does break again and agreed to be or continue to dwell in London.


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