Monday, March 7, 2011

Restore Football Helmet

school system (part 5 end)

Trinity: school, church, state

The political separation of powers (judicial, executive, legislative) and the separation of church and state, for a liberal is coined a prerequisite! And if a child of the Buddha "chic" as the Jesus and Mary holds, then why should it be punished? Freedom of religion - that I miss very much. The intellectual straitjacket of church and thus the public, but also many private schools is simply too narrow! From a conversation with a liberal teacher, she told me about these topics include: "Spiritual development requires freedom is suppressed in the Philippines who can, his children will grow up abroad."

She knows what she is talking, because she also told me the background to the hide I will not. As a Protestant, she tried to studying, for a job at several public schools. She noticed for some time that something goes wrong, why namely, where they did not obtain employment. While the ladies with the same qualifications have long had a job, its the same was denied. Until she came behind it, that there are people in the school apparatus is, had the fear that it could send the children too much "anti-Catholic" education. So they went back to university, finished more courses so that they then got a job at a private school. She later married

and had two children. Her eldest son reported her first against a public elementary school. As Protestants, they refused and her husband, not all things from the Catholic faith, finally, the similarities are greater than the differences. But she made clear during their enrollment and was personally important that they do not wish to prepare her son for Communion because of this fact is usually the job of schools! The school said this is also the mother until the son came home one day and wanted to learn by heart and his mother part of the Catechism. This alerted the woman, after all, they had agreed otherwise! So she went to school the next day and wanted to discuss this with the school administration. Suddenly you could not understand her excitement anymore. The principal said that if they wish because even freedom of religion for their child, but even then they would have so much tolerance that their child Catholic Catechism must learn by heart. After she had but to know the "tolerance" of the school system in his own body with its former candidates, as just such a system denying her the job was for them at this point the barrel went over and she immediately reported to the child to another private school.

We here in the Philippines, the special feature that the school system and state power are very closely linked. So each school has a very great respect for the church, as these any dispute related to the school board in turn their influence to make. Therefore, no teacher dares to mess with the school administration. Who risked for his personal career because of the Church? And the principals will also hold back, he risks but the recent approval of his school when he tries to defeat the church. The church uses this instance to exercise their influence and power on the children and their parents. This one has a very sensitive instrument of control for the whole social system.

Even in good private schools, where the parents are free to their children from religious education free, but the teachers are still by far! One example: After the massacre in Mindanao, with at least 57 dead, proclaiming the state of emergency, the extension of martial law in November and December 2009, I asked my children if they do not because in the the school would discuss.
"But of course!" said my elder. His classmates said "unanimously that a wheel had off."
"And what your teachers think of it?" I want to do with him.
"Uh - nothing!"
I give him the order to ask again, but the result does not change, because the teachers do not trust a topical political issue in this weight class to take up. While public opinion is almost unanimously to the people, gets none of the teacher's mouth on it! Somehow I was brought up earlier in the school otherwise. We had teachers who demanded of us, "Question everything critically, and if someone asks something of you, then ask him why?" As was it at school in the subject "civics" hot discussions. Not only we students are rejected on the issues of the day, such as the East-West conflict, the RAF, the Olympic boycott, the near-invasion by the Russians in Poland, the Nazi past of Germany or the views of the pope, far from the window! No, our teachers mixed vigorously with it. We asked our teachers and discussed with them. And I also remember that it was not a taboo to a different opinion than the teachers.

But what happened here? Those who are not hypocrites who only stirred up the people and goes and other at risk? So shut up, do not think, do not ask do not criticize. There are more important things such as the catechism by heart, learn and sing anthem ... Another teacher confirmed to me this: "The public school is still working on the understanding that delivery points mastered the Spaniard here at Reading is learned the catechism by heart is enough to learn, more need not be..!" Only so far as to think out loud, that it can be dangerous! Therefore, at the Public School the most important thing the morning prayer, the anthem, the flag and the Bible! Some private schools are indeed similar ceremonies, but it is understood as a ritual. Thus, to Chinese, Koreans or Filipinos wanted so far and possible notching of them to be considered wrong or even without disadvantages . Learn

The instruction at public schools is "settled", but not the contents to be taught! Control of understanding with the students is the teachers unfortunately do not care! Example: Our Adotivtochter was in elementary school quite well, so she got off to class and work to correct the teacher's home with you! The Principal of the school cares little about the events, though he were the one who has the influence. But when he begins to teach the children to want to leave something, he will automatically re-issues of the church, or get their political arm.

My conclusion to the Public School:
students coming from the system of public schools is not out, will in future have little chance in the labor market. If we then also know that the population explosion is dramatically exacerbate the conditions, then I would gradually restless sleep, when my children were still in the public school ...

makes a little courage in this direction at present, the current President Aquino me! For he is the one part of the fight against corruption and the old matted system, the critique of his policies and makes a more open feel than its predecessor. He also goes to the issues that were previously taboo: so now he stands for family planning and thus challenges the church. New ways? The hope dies last!

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