Sunday, February 13, 2011

Erotic Movies Blog Spot

hunger, rice & Politics

hunger politically considered

to post "News: Rice prices" I received the following email to their content, I may publish, in consultation with the author as follows:

" That the Philippine rice need to import, is clearly the fact that the government has opened the door to the company that brought such a company "XYZ" (name changed), new rice varieties with much fanfare to the people. That one travelers can buy this just for these companies, as well as pesticides and fungicides is self These varieties are patented and must be purchased from the manufacturer. What concerns the sale of the crop according to the prescribed only to collectors is allowed. The prices are also regulated. In practice, been driven by the rice farmers in a debt trap, and even have to buy rice for their daily needs. This is grown less and less, because not enough money to buy the new seed is. The old varieties of rice, which we do not buy - because Allgemeigut - be used only by a minority. Too bad, because they are robust and do not have the chemistry.

But the sales figures for breeding varieties of rice have declined for years, the manufacturers are in retreat. But now try to deal with government support, companies dealing with genetically modified rice varieties to capture the market. The rice farmers are being lured with loans and promises, and again subject. The others just give up.

Here in the province, I see increasingly turning away from rice cultivation in favor of the vegetables growing. More and more rice farmers to make involuntary. Thus, the Philippines have to import more rice in the future and even more dependent on the associated conditions. What the future holds, I'll leave it to the imagination of the individual.
source: worse external author


For President Benigno Aquino denounced now that Filipino buyers to cover the shortfall in recent years not only twice as much rice from major exporters Thailand and Vietnam would be bought would have been as necessary. Even by the high demand they had driven the price up, but also by dubious bidding methods. He had the impression, "said Aquino, that only" one person "or a" group of persons "of these imports have benefited. Citing an ongoing investigation called the head of state but no names. Philippine media reported, however, ten cooperatives as suspects out, which only existed on paper and are backed by "just a financier" stand.

The basis for the "rice mafia" has laid Aquino's predecessor, Gloria Arroyo, in her nine years of power was repeatedly exposed to violent corruption charges. Under the aegis Arroyo had stopped to ensure rice supply through direct contracts with other governments. Instead, came to the Philippines as a bidder at auction. In 2010 alone, two million have been purchased instead of the required million tons of rice to overpriced. The surplus ended up in warehouses, where he rotted in part.

See the complete original article:
rice in the hands of the Mafia and
Senate probe of GMA rice imports sought (English)

Why the world is hungry

keeping with the theme, also an interesting report "World Hunger", has n-tv published in its online edition (as of Friday, January 21, 2011) and I recommend you heartily. Times have summarized the main points here:

Member countries of the UN undertook 10 years ago to halve the number of hungry people by 2015 (then 840 million, even today over a billion). Specifically: every 6 seconds a child starves, every day 25,000 people, or 9 million people a year!

Where most widespread hunger?
According to the Global Hunger Index 2010, these are primarily sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

is defined as hungry?
The WHO considers 2100 to 2200 kcal per day for healthy living. The minimum life is about 1200 kcal to 1300. Malnourished, is who has to eat less than he needs daily to maintain his body weight and thereby to perform light work.

What causes hunger in the human body?
Physical and mental activities are becoming more restrictive, people are apathetic and can not concentrate anymore. The body loses its protection against infectious diseases and minor ailments can be fatal. In children, the cognitive and physical development affect irreversible. The diseases are characterized by impaired bone growth and anemia with a corresponding lack of energy.

What are the causes of hunger?
hunger is often the result of bad governance! There is little investment in agricultural development programs. By poor infrastructure spoil food, because they are not on time to the markets, be properly stored.

Why countries can not feed themselves?
3 / 4 of the undernourished live in rural areas, of which the most even produce food for themselves. You are the victim of unfair global trade relations. Foreign loans must be repaid, so that money can not be invested in basic social and economic development. The simultaneous demand for a radical opening of markets means that cheap imports from destroying the surplus production of the industrial countries the livelihood of local farmers.

What social impact is hungry?
hunger leads to enormous expenditures in the medical sector. Add to this the Costs of pregnancy of malnourished women and their malnourished children. These costs are already higher than world costs to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The economies but also lose a huge potential for productivity (estimated at 5-10% of the GDP of the countries of hunger). That would be 500 billion to a trillion dollars every year. The consequence: hungry companies can not develop socially!

How hunger could be tackled effectively?
This would have launched programs for farmers and infrastructure development should be encouraged.

original article: Why the world is hungry


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