Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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spiral of violence (part 2)

"The processing of this case is the litmus test of how serious the new Philippine president Aquino by Persecution of human rights violations, "Jochen Range, Philippines expert at Amnesty International in Germany.
said http://www.amnesty.de/2010/11/25/massaker-von-maguindanao-offenbart-schwaechen-der-philippinischen-justiz

The statement by Amnesty International, the following standings:

The Philippine President Aquino had announced in his inaugural speech in 2010 to establish a "Truth Commission" (Truth Commission) This should show the failings of the Arroyo government, including corruption. ., murder, bribery and money thereby's motto "Without corruption - not poverty, was already at election time broad appeal in the population.

But against this Commission proposed constitutional complaint was filed, claiming it was directed only against the former Arroyo government. Therefore, the Supreme Court, the Commission declared as "unconstitutional". Although the government against the decision appealed, but she has almost no chance of success because of the 15's top judges, 14 were appointed by former President Arroyo ...

The further development it will be interesting.

The first part of the "cycle of violence" is a summary of different sources:

Andal Ampatuan Sr. ruled the province since 2001 when Governor and was up to the massacre two weeks ago, an ally of President Arroyo.
http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0, 1518,665390,00. Html

The Ampatuan had been closely allied with President Arroyo. It has since distanced himself from the clan.

Andal Ampatuan Jr. to the massacre have planned and executed at about 100 armed men. When was the massacre of 23 November at least 57 people were severely beaten and partially executed then normal. The deaths include 27 journalists and at least 22 women.

In the Philippines, more and more atrocities of the Ampatuan clan come to light. In her eight-year reign to the militant group has killed more than 250 people. Some of the victims were buried alive, or cut with a chainsaw.

Andal Ampatuan Jr. to the His death of 58 men and women responsible. The father of eight children, 33 years old, is a small fat man with a bloated Face, former mayor of the town of Datu Unsay in Maguindanao province in southern Philippines. He yawns, while the prosecutor read out the charges against him, and shows the press people the middle finger.

Further, even English-language sources:
Google + Search (Maguindanao Ampatuan arroyo .. .)


All chapters of the topic:

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